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Importing Your Unit Calendar into the Mac OS Calendar App

How It Works

If your scouting organization uses a public calendar, then you can link it to your personal Google Calendar so that all scouting events will automatically appear on your personal calendar. Setting it up is easy and anyone can do it.

First, Get the URL of Your Unit's Event Feed

Click the share badge, select "Latest Content" and scroll down to the bottom. You should see a link to your unit's calendar feed, as shown below. If you don't see it, your unit is not sharing the calendar publicly and you'll need to talk to your scouting leaders first.


Copy the url of your calendar feed.

Add your feed to Calendar

Follow the steps shown below to add your unit's calendar.

Paste the URL you copied earlier into the box that appears and click "Subscribe". The calendar app will now import all your unit's events to your calendar and keep it synced up.