Table of Contents
- User Guide
- Getting Started
- General Concepts
- Getting Help
- Requesting a Feature
- Videos for Learning TroopTrack
- BASICS - Creating a new TroopTrack Account
- BASICS - Configuring your Pack/Troop in TroopTrack
- COMMUNICATE - Sending Emails
- COMMUNICATE - Configuring Emails and Email Lists
- Data Safety
- Merging Two Accounts
- Transfer Users Between TroopTrack Troops
- Let us import data for you from other programs
- ScoutTrack
- TroopMaster
- PackMaster
- TroopMaster (AHG)
- Import your data instantly with TurboNET
- Import your data instantly from AHG Connect
- Manual Entry for Service Hours, Miles, and Nights
- Plan
- Planning an Event
- Tracking Attendance
- Attendance Reports
- Hours, Miles, and Nights
- Agenda View
- Year at a Glance
- RSVP'ing for an Event
- Import your Unit's Calendar to Google Calendar
- Importing Your Unit Calendar into the Mac OS Calendar App
- Event Integrated Accounting
- Participation Book
- Meeting Schedules
- Manage
- Adding Members
- Controlling Access and Privileges
- Organizing Family Members
- Creating Patrols/Dens
- Managing Equipment
- Managing a Library
- Canned Reports
- Creating Custom Reports
- Unit Settings
- Money Account Basics
- User Accounts
- Managing Merit Badge Counselors
- Managing Training
- Changing a User's Profile Photo and Demographic Info
- How do I reset a user's password?
- Fundraisers
- Training Book
- Online Payment
- Communicate
- How Mailing Lists Work
- Creating a Mailing List
- Creating a Unit Roster
- Magic Mailing Lists
- Sign Up Sheets
- Third-Party Email Clients
- Achieve
- Bulk Entry of Award Progress
- Individual Entry
- Creating a Custom Award
- Planning for a Pack Meeting or Court of Honor
- TurboNET Advancement Report
- Badge Book
- Blue Cards
- AHG: Manage Service Stars
- Share
Canned Reports
What You Can Do
Canned reports are special reports that come standard with TroopTrack. They vary between different unit types - certain reports only apply to Boy Scout Troops.
How to Get There
You can get to reports from the Manage Badge drop down menu as shown below.
Viewing a Canned Report
Some reports are available only to Boy Scout Troops, but all of them are easy to use. For Canned Reports, choose the last option from the drop down menu (Manage all reports) then click on the format of the report you want to see, as shown below:
How to Request a New Report
For the most part, I am trying to implement all new reports as custom reports rather than canned reports. I will add canned reports when special logic is needed, but my goal is to put you in control of your reports as much as possible. If you need a report that TroopTrack currently doesn't have and you can't create it using custom reports, please open a support ticket and describe the report you are looking for.