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Sharing Photos

What You Can Do

You can create photo albums and upload pictures to them that everyone in your scouting unit will enjoy.

How to Get There

Photo albums are managed under the Share badge and are accessible through the menu powerbar.

How to Do It

To upload pictures to TroopTrack, Click on the Share Badge, then select the Photo Albums option as shown below:

The following screen will appear:

You will then see a screen that asks for a Photo album name and date it was added/taken.  Fill it in and click on Create New Album. Now you will see a big, green button. Push the button and select which photos you want to upload

After selecting some photos, it will upload each one to the site, as shown in the photo below. This is a quick process, but does get slowed down when many photos are uploaded at once. Don't leave this page during the loading process, or the process will not be able to finish.


After uploading, they will each be processed. This is done in the background, so you can continue to browse other pages of TroopTrack, or stop browsing completely.You will know a photo is done processing when it has links to "edit | delete | details | download original" underneath, as shown below.

You can peruse your photo albums by clicking on the share badge and then choosing the Photo Albums option in the drop down menu box.