Find a Merit Badge

Plant Science Merit Badge (Boy Scouts)

  • 1: Make a drawing and identify five or more parts of a flowering plant. Tell what each part does.
  • 2: Explain photosynthesis and tell why this process is important. Tell at least five ways that humans depend on plants.
  • 3: Explain how honeybees and other pollinating insects are important to plant life.
  • 4: Explain how water, light, air, temperature, and pests affect plants. Describe the nature and function of soil and explain its importance. Tell about the texture, structure, and composition of fertile soil. Tell how soil may be improved.
  • 5: Tell how to propagate plants by seeds, roots, cuttings, tubers, and grafting. Grow a plant by ONE of these methods.
  • 6: List by common name at least 10 native plants and 10 cultivated plants that grow near your home. List five invasive nonnative plants in your area and tell how they may be harmful. Tell how the spread of invasive plants may be avoided or controlled in ways that are not damaging to humans, wildlife, and the environment.
  • 7: Name and tell about careers in agronomy, horticulture, and botany. Write a paragraph about a career in one of these fields that interests you.
  • 8: Choose ONE of the following alternatives:
    • Option 1: Agronomy
    • Option 2: Horticulture
    • Option 3: Field Botany
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