Find a Merit Badge

Signaling Merit Badge (Boy Scouts)

  • 1: Make an electric buzzer outfit, wireless, blinker, or other signaling device.
  • 2: Send and receive in the International Morse Code, by buzzer or other sound device, a complete message of not less than 35 words, at a rate of not less than 35 letters per minute.
  • 3: Demonstrate an ability to send and receive a message in the International Morse Code by wigwag and by blinker or other light signaling device at the rate of not less than 20 letters per minute.
  • 4: Send and receive by Semaphore Code at the rate of not less than 30 letters per minute.
  • 5: Know the proper application of the International Morse and Semaphore Codes; when, where, and how they can be used to best advantage.
  • 6: Discuss briefly various other codes and methods of signaling which are in common use.
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